
Welcome to the website for the Georgia District of Pilot International!

Pilot International (http://pilotinternational.org) was chartered in Macon, Georgia, on October 18, 1921. Our mission is to influence positive change in communities throughout the world. To do this, we come together in friendship and service, focusing on encouraging brain safety and health and supporting those who care for others. Our nationally-recognized, award-winning programs serve both young and old, and everyone in between.

The 39 Clubs in the Georgia District work with their local communities on a variety of service projects, and awareness programs as well as fundraising to support our mission. To learn more, please visit our “Locations” page to see where our clubs are located and for contact information, so you can get involved with our wonderful organization, too!

Thank you for your interest in the Georgia District of Pilot International.

Avaline Adams
2023-24 Governor